Recently Published First Aid Articles

Infographic about Shocktober
What is Shocktober?

November 17, 2022

General Health-Related

Shocktober is an annual campaign aimed at increasing survival rates among out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims. As such, it promotes the importance of knowing how to perform CPR and defibrillation.

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First Aid case
First Aid Course Campbelltown

November 16, 2022

First Aid Training

Our first aid course Campbelltown is innovative, inexpensive, and nationally accredited. Upon completing our first aid course Campbelltown, you will have the knowledge and skills to manage a variety of medical emergencies.

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Infographic about 4 tips for controlling spider numbers
4 Easy Tips for Spider Proofing Your Home

November 15, 2022

Bites and Stings

There are several spider species in Australia that like building their nests in and around the family home. Use these 4 simple tricks to keep their population numbers under control.

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Infographic about Tiger sharks
The Tiger Shark | Deadly Marine Life

November 14, 2022

Bites and Stings

Tiger sharks are widely renowned for striped colourations on their sides. They also happen to be one of the largest sharks in the world and have notched teeth designed for maximum damage.

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Mother bandages child's elbow
Baby First Aid Course Adelaide

November 12, 2022

First Aid Training

Our baby first aid course Adelaide is designed to provide students with the knowledge and confidence to respond to first aid emergencies that are common among children and infants.

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The internationally accepted symbol for first aid is a white cross
First Aid Kit Sign Meaning

November 11, 2022

First Aid Equipment

The first aid kit sign is a universal sign that signals the direction or location of first aid or safety equipment and other emergency related facilities. Knowing the first aid kit sign could keep you safe while travelling abroad.

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Infographic about the Tiger snake
The Tiger Snake | Snake Facts

November 10, 2022

Bites and Stings

Tiger snakes are so named because of distinctive tiger-like stripes along their dorsal scales. They are particularly prevalent near bodies of water during the summer, and their venom is highly neurotoxic and can kill.

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Infographic about how to be SunSmart
What is Slip Slop Slap Seek and Slide?

November 9, 2022

Seasonal Concerns

Slip slop slap seek and slide is the core campaign for the Cancer Council's SunSmart program. By taking heed of this campaign, you can reduce the immediate and long-term effects of sun exposure, including sunburn, heat stroke, and skin cancer.

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Infographic about how to avoid lightning strikes
Are You at Risk of Being Struck by Lightning?

November 8, 2022


Though being struck by lightning might seem far-fetched, over one hundred people in Australia are injured by lightning strikes every year. Injuries can include cardiac arrest, neurological damage, and skin burns. Luckily, there are ways to reduce your risk of being struck by lightning.

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Infographic about How to Provide Compressions to Large Dogs
CPR for Dogs | Pet First Aid

November 7, 2022


CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Providing CPR to a dog who is not breathing or is pulseless can restore blood flow and save his life.

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Infographic about Poisoning in Dogs
How to Treat Poisoning in Dogs | Pet First Aid

November 5, 2022


Dogs are incredibly curious creatures, and they often use their mouths to discern their surroundings. This can cause them to ingest poison and experience significant complications like seizures, heart problems, and kidney failure.

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Spider identification chart cover image
Spider Identification Chart

November 4, 2022


Australia is home to approximately 10,000 spider species. In this downloadable chart, we identify and describe nine of Australia's most common spiders. Some of these spiders inflict only mild bites, while others contain venom that is highly potent and toxic to humans.

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